Stained glass windows of St. Vitus Cathedral

Stained glass windows of St. Vitus Cathedral

The Creation Rose Window

  The Creation Rose Window was created by Frantisek Kysela in 1925 and took over two years to be completed. The inscriptions on the stained glass tell the story of creation as told in the Bible. 
The Creation Rose Window

The New Archbishop Chapel

  The most distinguished of all the stained glass windows in the Cathedral is this piece designed by Alphonse Mucha in 1930.
The New Archbishop Chapel

The Schwarzenberg Chapel

  This chapel is named after the Schwarzenbergs family, a noble family who had established themselves in Prague since 1172. Designed by Karel Svolinsky in 1929, the scene depicts two stories regarding the life of Isaac.
The Schwarzenberg Chapel

The Thunov Chapel

  The Thunov Chapel features a sparkling blue window with a modern design despite being created in 1929. It represents the Psalm 126-5 which declares, "Who sows in tears, will harvest in joy."
The Thunov Chapel 

Chapel of St. Ludmila

  In the Chapel of St. Ludmila we can see the impressive images of the St. Ludmila, the Holy Spirit and the twelve apostles.
Chapel of St. Ludmila

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